Choose Medicine
Why study Medicine?
Become the best doctor you can with a rewarding degree at one of the country’s largest and most innovative medical schools.
We are the largest medical school in the UK, but have some of the smallest class sizes. This will ensure you get the support you need throughout your degree.
Get clinical experience from Year 1 and develop the skills you need for a successful career in medicine.
How you learn
Your first year of study
You’ll learn using a range of methods, from hands-on practicals to small group work. A typical first year of study includes:
- physiology and anatomy classes
- lectures
- case-based and self-directed learning
- early clinical experience
- personal and professional development

Clinical skills on campus
While you'll pick up much of your clinical experience on placements, you'll also start developing your practical skills in our on-campus clinical skills facilities in years 1, 2 and the Graduate Entry Medicine (GEM) year. Watch our video for a virtual tour of our facilities.
The University of Manchester has exceptional, modern facilities that provide an ideal learning environment for the study of anatomy. We're one of the only medical schools in the UK to offer whole body dissection to students on our 5 and 6 year MBChB pathways.

Themed-case learning
Our approach is active learning through the study of themed cases. In Years 1 and 2 of our Medicine (5 year) programme you'll work in small teams to tackle tasks and solve problems. You’ll work together on themed cases focused on real patients using an approach called team-based learning (TBL). Watch our video to learn more about TBL.
Clinical experience
Learn in different settings
You’ll get experience in a range of clinical and community environments. From day one of your course, you’ll begin to apply your learning to real-life situations, preparing you for the journey from classroom to clinic.
Years 1, 2 and GEM
GP and hospital placements
Consultation skills centre
Practice with simulated patients

Year 3
Start assignment at Clinical Education Campus
60% of time in clinical environment, focusing on general medicine and surgery

Year 4
Fully integrated clinical training in Clinical Education Campuses and affiliated sites
8 x 4-week rotations to explore clinical specialities

Year 5
Your final year at your Clinical Education Campus

Chat with a current student
Medicine at Manchester
Enhance your studies
Studying medicine at Manchester can open the door to a world of opportunities, from discovering your passion to learning more about research.

Student life
We understand that there's more to being a medic than just studying. There are plenty of social activities to get involved in and we offer a range of academic and peer-mentoring support throughout your degree.

Service learning in medicine
Work in collaboration with community groups, organisations and schools to expand your skills and knowledge through service learning.

From our students
What I got out of my intercalation year
Gillian discusses taking an MRes in Tissue Engineering for Regenerative Medicine in her intercalation year.

A week in the life of a Year 1 medical student
Arabhi runs through a typical week on the Medicine MBChB (5 year) course.
Read the blog : A week in the life of a Year 1 medical student.

Exploring research careers through my intercalation year
Roxana explains how she used her intercalation year to take an MRes and see if a research career was for her.
Read the blog : What to expect from an MRes in Tissue Engineering and RegenerativeĀ Medicine.

A deep dive into my medical studies
Yibei delves into different aspects of the Manchester Medicine (5 year) course.

The Making a Difference Awards: Medics in Primary Schools
Sylvia talks about the Medics in Primary Schools (MiPS) society and being recognised through awards.
Read the blog - Making a Difference Awards: Medics in Primary Schools.

Your skills are in demand
Manchester medics are highly sought after by employers.
Watch a video of graduate Umair's experiences working as a junior doctor.
Our degrees
There are options available to you if you want to study medicine at Manchester.
Making an application
Apply for medicine
If you have any questions, email us at
If you’re ready to apply to a medical degree at Manchester, here’s what you need to know.
From our students
Applying - Year 13 advice
Our students share what they wish they had known when they were applying for medicine.
Six things to know about applying for medicine
Medical student Anita provides a valuable insight into the application process for all you prospective students.
Read the blog : Six things to know about applying for medicine.

My journey in medicine since Manchester
Medicine graduate Valeed talks about all the opportunities he has gained since finishing at Manchester.

The atypical route to becoming a GP
Read about Eilis' journey from having no science A-Levels, to graduating medicine and becoming a GP.

Contact us
Have any questions? Get in touch.
In the Biosciences section
In the Medicine section
There's lots of information in this section for you to explore.
Undergraduate information
There's more to discover about becoming an undergraduate on our Faculty and main University websites. Here are some links to get you started.