Public and patient involvement and engagement
From involving patients in our research to engaging the public at educational events, there are many ways we carry out public and patient involvement and engagement.
Public engagement describes the ways in which higher education and research can be shared with the public, while involvement is an active partnership between research or teaching staff and patients or members of the public. Members of the public involved and engaged in our teaching and research are commonly referred to as public contributors.
Involving patients and the public and sharing our knowledge is important to us because so much of what we do as a faculty, from teaching clinical skills to scientific breakthroughs in the lab, has the potential to affect the lives of millions of people both in our local communities and further afield.
For the public
Get involved
Anyone can get involved; whether you want to learn more about research and teaching going on at the University, or use your own experiences to help others, there are a number of ways you can take part.
Find out about existing opportunities to get involved and sign up to our fortnightly newsletter to be the first to know about new opportunities and events.
However you want to get involved, there is support and guidance available from the Faculty and University to help you.
Working with our communities
Involving communities
Discover how and why we actively involve and engage patients and members of the public in our research and teaching.
From involving public contributors in our ground-breaking research and teaching curriculum to engaging the public in educational events, there are many ways we carry out patient and public Involvement and engagement.
PPIE forum
Providing strategic direction to the Faculty's PPIE Action Plan
The forum consists of about 35 members including public contributors, researchers, Faculty professional staff, and divisional leads.
It is a central point for members to receive information, advice and guidance on PPIE activities and initiatives.
The forum is co-chaired by Dr Stephanie Snow, Academic Lead for Community Engagement and Involvement, and Kay Gallacher, public contributor.
Members meet to evaluate the forum's outputs, discuss upcoming initiatives and future actions, and hear updates from the divisional leads.
Guest speakers are also invited to present on a topic of their choice relating to social responsibility or PPIE.
More information
For staff and postgraduate researchers
Making an impact
Our work in the Faculty has the potential to make an impact on the lives of the public, both locally and globally.
The benefits of including engagement and involvement activities in your research and teaching are numerous.
There is support and guidance available from the Faculty and University to help you with your engagement and involvement activities.
As a researcher, it can give you more relevant and better quality research, inform study design, improve recruitment, provide you with views you might not otherwise have considered and get your research seen by a wider audience. Plus, engagement and involvement are often common requirements of funding and ethical approval.

Teaching staff
As a member of teaching staff, engagement and involvement helps you share the benefits of higher education with the wider community. It can inspire existing and prospective students, and provide innovative new ways of teaching.