Teaching and learning

Get a unique experience as a medical undergraduate at Manchester with innovative teaching methods and a high-tech learning environment.

We use a wide range of learning techniques, but the key Manchester approach is the study of themed case discussions in small groups where you are a proactive learner.

This is supported throughout your course by lectures, practical classes (including anatomy and physiology skills) and clinical experience.

How you’ll learn

The course integrates science and clinical learning so you are able to apply scientific knowledge and concepts to your clinical practice.

Typical Year 1 timetable

See below for an indicative Year 1 weekly timetable (for illustration purposes only) to get an idea of what your first year of study might involve.


Facilitated small peer group tutorial

Self-directed study

Early clinical experience Lectures Physiology practical classes

Facilitated small peer group tutorial

Wrap-up lecture



Self-directed study

Lectures Sports

Self-directed study

Consultation skills

Personal and professional development meeting

Learn from experts

Manchester has a wealth of expertise in medical education, as well as clinical, biological and behavioural science research. Our teaching is supported by NHS clinicians who are experts in their clinical area and provide an active learning environment.

Our own academics are strongly committed to quality medical education, with many of our experts previously awarded National Teaching Fellowships.