Anatomy facilities

The University of Manchester has exceptional, modern facilities that provide an ideal learning environment for the study of anatomy.

A dedicated team of anatomists, supported by GMC registered doctors, deliver a high standard of teaching. An integrated approach to teaching and learning is facilitated by:

  • dissection;
  • prosections;
  • skeletal material;
  • anatomical models;
  • eLearning;
  • histological resources;
  • imaging techniques.

The laboratory consists of a large dissecting room and dedicated anatomy classrooms. 

Cadavers held in the anatomy dissecting room are the embalmed bodies of public-spirited individuals who have left their remains to the University for medical and scientific teaching and research. Access to the dissecting room is regulated under the Human Tissue Act 2004.

Only students who take anatomy as a taught component of their course are granted access to the anatomy laboratory. Students must first attend an introductory talk and sign a strict code of conduct.