Careers with a biosciences degree

A degree in biological or biomedical sciences will prepare you for a number of career paths, from scientific research to conservation and communications.

Whether your interests lie inside or outside of the lab, our bioscience graduates go on to enjoy successful careers in a number of disciplines.

Developing your employability

We’re committed to helping you develop the skills that potential employers are looking for to prepare you for your future career.

You’ll have access to employability tutorials throughout your course and each taught unit specifies any relevant employability skills students can develop.

In your final year, you can also choose to do an enterprise project that will equip you with commercial and project management skills.

You’ll also have the opportunity to attend a range of events that showcase the numerous career paths for biosciences graduates, including talks, workshops and networking events.

Placements and work experience

We understand that employers are looking for graduates with work experience. Most of our undergraduate courses can be taken with industrial/professional experience or a modern language where you will undertake a year-long research placement in a variety of organisations and industries globally.

You will also receive guidance and support to help you gain valuable summer internships and other work experience.

Plus, there are opportunities to get involved as a peer mentor, course rep or leader on our PASS study scheme, as well as a Student Ambassador, taking prospective students and parents on a tour of the University on interview days. This experience can help you develop transferable skills that will be useful in your chosen career.

Careers our graduates go into:

Start your career with a biosciences degree from The University of Manchester.