Get involved in community engagement

The engagement and involvement of patients and members of the public in research, teaching and learning is central to our work. You can get involved in a number of ways.

Involving a range of different people provides opportunities for unique, valuable insights, and can lead to more effective, creative and meaningful ways of working for the benefit of everyone involved.

Why get involved?

  • Use your experience as a patient, service user or carer to help train the next generation of medical and health professionals.
  • Help researchers make scientific discoveries which advance our knowledge of biology, medicine and health.
  • Learn more about the science of biology, medicine and health and how it affects your everyday life.

How to get involved

We run a number of community engagement and involvement activities in Manchester across various areas of biology, medicine and health.

You can help us to actively involve patients/carers and service users in our research and teaching and learning, whether you become part of a research user group, take part in a research study, or help shape our teaching.

Below you will find information on specific initiatives involving our staff and students and how to find more information on getting involved. Specific information for schools can also be found in our teachers and advisers section.

Find out more

If you want to keep up to date with the latest opportunities to get involved, get in touch and ask to join the mailing list for our monthly newsletter.

You can also attend any of the public events that we hold for communities throughout the year.