Frequently asked questions

Why are the MMIs taking place online and on campus?

We allow applicants to express a preference to be interviewed either online (via Zoom) or on campus. Interview slots are offered on a first come, first served basis.

Please note that there is absolutely no advantage or disadvantage whatsoever to being interviewed either online or in person. By booking an interview you are confirming that you understand this.

Will any more dates become available?

We have ensured that there are enough slots available to match the number of invites sent.

We've asked applicants to only book one interview to allow others access. However, some have booked more than one and we will go through these to ensure slots are freed. If you are unable to find a slot, then please email us.

What if I don't have access to an appropriate device to conduct my online interview on?

We recognise that not all applicants may have access to a laptop or tablet where they can sit their interview.

We would encourage you to speak to your school or college to see whether they can either provide you with equipment to be able to sit your interview, or whether you can sit the interview at the school/college itself.

What if I don't have a quiet room to sit in at home?

We recognise that not all applicants may have a room available to them to provide them with a quiet and private environment.

If you are concerned about this, we would encourage you to speak to your school or college to see whether you can sit your interview at the school/college.

If you have any questions about this, please contact the Admissions team by emailing

Will the interviewers take into account what the room I'm sitting in looks like when marking the interview?

No. This will not form a part of the marking criteria.

We do require the room to be quiet and that nobody else is in the room with you. This is to ensure that you are sitting the interview yourself and are not being disturbed or prompted by anyone else.

What if I am having technical difficulties? Will I be penalised for this?

If you are experiencing technical difficulties in any of your stations, please report this to the interviewer. You will not be penalised for this.

If you experience more serious technical difficulties and the interviewer believes this has affected your ability to sit the station, this will be reported to the Admissions team.

We may allow you to either to take that station again or, in more serious cases where multiple stations are affected, to take the interview again at a later date.

What if I don't have any ID available?

You will need to satisfy the requirement of providing one of the required documents as listed on the required documents page.

If you do not have a piece of ID, your school will need to provide us with verification of who you are prior to the interview.

If we are unable to verify your identity on the day, we may not permit you to sit the interview.

Can I take notes? What can I do to prepare?

No. None of the interview stations require any note-taking, and we would strongly encourage you not to have any papers to refer to in order to stay engaged with your interviewer.

We would advise that you read through your Non-Academic Information Form prior to attending your interview.

When will I hear back?

We understand that applicants will be anxious to hear back after their interview. However, the Admissions team is unable to give a decision straight away.

We expect that applicants will receive their decision by the end of March/April.