University life

There are many benefits to studying at university but it is important to know what to expect to ensure that it is the right choice for you.

Why go to university?

People go to university for many reasons. You could:

  • study a particular subject that you are passionate about;
  • learn about something completely new;
  • Train for your dream job.

Regardless of the course, you will develop skills that you will use both in and outside of work for the rest of your life.

What support is available?

Whatever your background, we want to support talented students to thrive in a welcoming and diverse environment.

What does university study look like?

At University, you will be attending a mix of lectures, seminars, and for some courses, labs. Find out what some of our students and alumni have to say about these subjects.


Dorsa Moezzi, third-year student on the BSc Biotechnology course.


Dorsa takes us through the fascinating topic of antibiotics for stubborn bacteria.

Read Dorsa’s blog post

Maureen (Marli) Ohene Mensah, Year 4 student on the MPharm Pharmacy course.

Biomedical Sciences

Maureen talks us through a typical day at university as a Biomedical Sciences student

Read Maureen’s blog post


Jasmine, a third year speech and language therapy student.

Speech and Language Therapy

Jasmine shares a day in the life of a speech and language therapy student.

Read Jasmine’s blog post

Jeena Patel, third-year student on the BDS Dentistry with a Foundation Year course.


Jeena reveals why she chose to study dentistry, despite having the ‘wrong’ A-levels.

Read Jeena’s blog post

How do I choose a subject?

Universities offer a vast range of topics and subjects.

You will need to think about what your preferences are and research what the university offers you to ensure you make the right decision.

Find out more

A microscope icon on a pink background.

Explore Biosciences

Covering everything from the biology of humans and animals to the effect of medicines on people.

More about Biosciences

A heart icon with a trace going across it on a teal background.

Explore healthcare

Train as a doctor, nurse, optometrist, pharmacist or another health professional.

More about healthcare