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Supportive and Palliative Care research group: research projects

Below is a list of research projects in the field of supportive and palliative care.

BMH - Nursing - Supportive and Palliative Care: research - Ongoing studies

Patient choice following initial treatment for cancer: a literature review


Both Government policy and research have addressed patient choice during diagnosis, treatment and end-of-life care. A search for research publications on choice/decision-making during cancer follow-up was unproductive. There are, however, publications on aspects of follow-up important to patients, such as attention to symptoms and a need for reassurance, several of which mention choice briefly. Prompted by increased survival times and evidence that traditional follow-up is ineffective, alternative models have been tested and proposed without reference to patient choice. This review synthesises themes and ideas on choice and follow-up in cancer, and exposes issues for further research, such as the paradox that patients are encouraged to make decisions when psychologically vulnerable soon after diagnosis but are given little choice during follow-up when they feel more able. (completed 2005)

Funding body

Macmillan Cancer Support

Members of the project

Name Role
Dr Kate Wilson Principal investigator
Dr Ziv Amir Investigator


    Wilson K and Amir Z (2006) Patient choice in cancer follow-up [editorial]. European Journal of Oncology Nursing. 10, 5-7.