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Supportive and Palliative Care research group: research projects

Below is a list of research projects in the field of supportive and palliative care.

BMH - Nursing - Supportive and Palliative Care: research - Ongoing studies

Investigating the follow-up care needs of people with colorectal cancer and piloting a telephone intervention.


This study aims to examine the follow-up care needs of people treated for colorectal cancer. These findings will be used to inform the testing of a nurse-led telephone intervention, designed to m eet information needs and psycho-social concerns. The optimal follow-up strategy for colorectal cancer is unknown. A National Cancer Research Network (NCRN) trial is currently in progress to evaluate the most appropriate tests and investigations that should be included as part of follow-up care (FACS Trial). However, there is little work that examines the psycho-social and information needs of patients once they have completed treatment. Recurrence of colorectal cancer is usually symptomatic with patients reporting symptoms between hospital visits (even if visits are regular). If recurrences are not detected at clinic visits, consultations between patients and clinicians could present an opportunity to provide information and m eet psycho-social needs and concerns. However, there is little indication that this takes place within the current follow-up system. Complex interventions are difficult to evaluate. The three stages in this study adhere to the Framework for Development and Evaluation of Complex Interventions published by the Medical Research Council. Stage 1 is a pre-clinical or theoretical stage using a qualitative research design (patient interviews) to ascertain patient views. Stage 2 is a modelling stage to develop further understanding of the proposed intervention’s components using a quantitative patient survey. Stage 3 is a small exploratory trial, a crucial component prior to a main RCT.


Duration of the project

14 months

Funding body

Cancer Research UK

Members of the project

Name Role
Professor Kinta Beaver Principal investigator
Sr Janet Sheridan Co-investigator
Dr Shabbir Susnerwala Co-investigator
Mr Jonathan Heath Co-investigator
Professor Karen Luker Co-investigator