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Supportive and Palliative Care research group: research projects

Below is a list of research projects in the field of supportive and palliative care.

BMH - Nursing - Supportive and Palliative Care - Completed studies

The course, correlates and outcomes of quality of life and needs of palliative colorectal and lung cancer patients


This is a series of secondary analyses of a five year longitudinal study of the quality of life and needs of palliative colorectal and lung cancer patients and their carers, conducted with colleagues at the General Practice and Primary Care Research Unit, University of Cambridge. The first of these investigates the extent to which palliative cancer patients’ health related quality of life predicts survival alongside diagnosis and cancer stage. A second analysis considers how patients’ quality of life and symptoms impact on carers’ quality of life and caregiver burden. Further analyses will describe changes in quality of life and needs towards the end of life.

Members of the project

Name Role
Professor Gunn Grande Principal investigator
Professor Chris Todd Investigator
Morag Farquhar Investigator
Dr Stephen Barclay Investigator