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Supportive and Palliative Care research group: research projects

Below is a list of research projects in the field of supportive and palliative care.

BMH - Nursing - Supportive and Palliative Care: research - Ongoing studies

A multi-centre evaluation of complementary therapy provision for patients with cancer: access, expectations and indications for therapy


This is a multi-centre evaluation of complementary therapy (CT) services for cancer patients. This project, funded by the Big Lottery Fund (National Lottery) sought to explore service provision in three centres providing complementary therapies for patients with cancer. The evaluation centred upon three elements: access to the service, expectations of complementary therapies, and indications for receiving the therapies. The evaluation involved three stakeholder groups; patients accessing the services, the therapists delivering complementary therapies, and health care professionals referring, or otherwise, to complementary therapies. Data were collected by means of questionnaire surveys, in-depth interviews and documentary analysis. The study has yielded a large body of data, with main findings including differences in utilisation of CTs (eg by gender and cancer site), lack of formal indications for referring patients for specific CTs and differences in the stakeholder groups' perceptions of the purposes and potential benefits of CTs.

Duration of the project

Apr 2004 - Feb 2007

Funding body

The Big Lottery Fund

Members of the project

Name Role
Dr Dai Roberts Principal investigator
Professor Ann Caress Investigator
Professor Chris Todd Investigator
Andrew Long Investigator
Dr Peter Mackereth Investigator
Ann Carter Investigator
Sam Parkin Investigator
Dr Jacqui Stringer Investigator
Alison McNulty Research assistant
Christine Delgado Research assistant
Ms Charlotte Wilson Research assistant