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Supportive and Palliative Care research group: research projects

Below is a list of research projects in the field of supportive and palliative care.

BMH - Nursing - Supportive and Palliative Care: research - Ongoing studies

Managing chemotherapy related anxiety in women with breast cancer: A focus group study to explore the acceptability of developing a specialist nurse-led psychological intervention


Chemotherapy can be an anxiety provoking experience for women with breast cancer. Currently, chemotherapy is delivered by specialist nurses who would be well placed to deliver anxiety management techniques. The aim of this study is to conduct focus groups to explore the views of this specialist group of nurses regarding their current management strategies, and explore their attitudes and beliefs about delivering ‘psychological’ techniques to help women manage their anxiety. Furthermore, training needs will be assessed. Preliminaery analysis from four focus groups reveeaed that chemotherapy nurses have particular difficulties in working with this patient group.  In part, this is due to the high level of identification the nurses share with the patients (e.g. similar age, same gender, similar issues). The findings of this study will be used to design a larger study to assess the effectiveness of a brief nurse-led intervention using psychological techniques. This would help women manage their anxiety, modify unpleasant side effects and gain control whilst undergoing chemotherapy.  Futhermore, training will de developed to help nurses develop positive coping strstegies to help them deal with the emotional burden linked with this specialist nursing riole.

Funding body

School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work Pump Priming Fund

Members of the project

Name Role
Mrs Anne Cawthorn Principal investigator
Dr Linda McGowan Principal investigator
Professor Philip Keeley Investigator
Bernie Shepherd Investigator