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Supportive and Palliative Care research group: research projects

Below is a list of research projects in the field of supportive and palliative care.

BMH - Nursing - Supportive and Palliative Care: research - Ongoing studies

A descriptive study of lung cancer patients' priority information needs and preferred level of involvement in treatment decisions


The study aims are to identify lung cancer patient’s priority information needs and preferences regarding their level of participation in treatment decision-making. The study is a cross-sectional survey of a sample of lung cancer patients, with longitudinal follow-up of a sub-sample, which builds on previous qualitative research undertaken by some team members (Caress et al 2002, Psycho-Oncology 11: 548). Four local NHS trusts (a specialist cancer centre, a specialist respiratory centre, a teaching hospital and a district general hospital) are involved in the study. The instrument is a structured interview schedule incorporating a lung cancer specific Information Needs Questionnaire, INQ (after Degner et al 1998) and the Control Preferences Scale, CPS (after Degner et al 1997). Additional areas explored include respondents’ rationales for role preference, perceived facilitators to/bars from attaining their preferred decisional role (after Caress et al 2000) and the discrepancy between their preferred and perceived decisional role. Exploration of these areas will give the findings particular clinical relevance, by highlighting how participation could be enhanced for those patients who wish to be involved. The study participants are being recruited from hospitals in the greater Manchester area. Data collection is underway and the study will be completed in early 2008. The study is unique in the UK and will provide valuable information in an under-researched area.

Duration of the project

May 2005 - Jan 2008

Funding body

Internally funded

Members of the project

Name Role
Professor Karen Luker Principal investigator
Professor Ann Caress Investigator
Dr Lynn Calman Research associate